Language in the community process, due to different circumstances and conditions, people can not directly express something, especially something make them feel painful, unpleasant,or even disgusted and embarrassed. Therefore, they must use some vague, subtle, gentle, tactful expressions, for the purpose of exchanging ideas with appropriate expressions in an appropriate emotional atmosphere. Euphemism is a social and cultural phenomenon. As long as the phenomenon of taboo exists, there is a corresponding language expression of Euphemism. Euphemism is rhetorically an important element of a broad social function including the avoidance function, politeness function, disguise function and deceptive function.
Keywords: Euphemism; function; application
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
2.1 Definition of Euphemism-1
2.2 Findings of Euphemism-1
3. Social function of English Euphemism-2
4. Application of Euphemism in Different Areas-3
4.1 Euphemism about Gods, death, disease-3
4.2 Euphemism about appellations and personal affairs-5
4.3 Euphemism about international affairs-7
4.4 Euphemism about politics and business-9
5. Conclusion-10
Works Cited-12