Sons and Lovers is one of D.H. Lawrence’s famous works. Since the novel came out, the studies at home and abroad were focalized on feminism, female tragedy and ecological ethic. This thesis focuses on the Oedipus complex. It will first analyze Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of Oedipus complex. Secondly, the paper explores D.H. Lawrence’s description of Paul in Sons and Lovers, and analyzes the reasons and manifestations of Paul’s Oedipus complex. Then, it will deal with the Oedipus complex’s influences on Paul. Finally, the paper will examine how Paul gets rid of the Oedipus complex.
Keywords: Sons and Lovers; Oedipus complex; Paul; Mrs. Morel
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
3. The Definition of Oedipus Complex-2
4. The Oedipus Complex’s Influences on Paul-4
4.1 Influences from family on Paul-4
4.2 Influences from Mrs. Morel on Paul-5
4.3 Influences from other women on Paul-6
5.Paul’s Solution to Oedipus Complex-7
Works Cited-11