Gone with the wind is a novel which tells Scarlett’s story in the American Civil War and the post-war reconstruction. Scholars at home and aboard read this novel from the feminist, Social Darwinism and pragmatics point of view to analyze the characters of Scarlett. This paper will combine the narrative structure and narrative content to carry out the study of Gone with the Wind from the perspective of feminist narratology, in which three skills are applied to analyze the narrative strategies in Gone with the Wind: free indirect discourse, narrative perspective and narrative voice. Then, the paper will go further to explore the author’s intention and improve the authority of female voice on the basis of feminist narrative analysis.
Keywords: feminist narratology; Gone with the Wind; narrative perspective; narrative voice; free indirect discourse
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
3. Free Indirect Discourse-3
3.1 The definition and development of free indirect discourse-3
3.2 The characteristics of free indirect discourse-3
3.3 Application of free indirect discourse-3
4. Narrative Perspective-5
4.1 The definition of narrative perspective-5
4.2 The types of narrative perspective-6
4.3 Application of narrative perspective-6
5. Narrative Voice-8
5.1 The distinction between narrative voice and narrative perspective-8
5.2 The types of narrative voice-8
5.3 Application of narrative voice-9
6. Conclusion-10
Works Cited-12