American famous language philosopher Grice put forward to the cooperative principle (CP for short) in 1967. Cooperative principle is a very important pragmatic principle and follow this principle can bring practical results. But in daily conversation, people usually violate it to make the effect of humor. The thesis will use this principle as the theoretical framework and take the dialogues in The Big Bang Theory for example to analyze the humor by violating the CP from four aspects like the maxim of quantity, maxim of quality, maxim of relation, maxim of manner. Meanwhile, this thesis also studies the usage of humor by violating CP in advertisements, translation and teaching. It will help English learner to understand the humors in this comedy and communication in daily life.
Keywords: cooperative principle; The Big Bang Theory; humor
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
2.1 Humor-2
2.2 The Big Bang Theory-3
2.3 Cooperative Principle-3
3. Violation of CP on Humor in The Big Bang Theory-4
3.1 Maxim of Quantity-4
3.2 Maxim of Quality-5
3.3 Maxim of Relation-7
3.4 Maxim of Manner-8
4. Applications in Daily Life-9
4.1 Advertisements-9
4.2 Translation-10
4.3 Teaching-11
5. Conclusion-12
Works Cited-14