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  • 更新时间:2017-10-18
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This paper talks about the differences between Chinese and Western Marriage Concept through their different cultural contexts and histories, and then analyzes the different aspects in details, such as purposes, criteria and relationship between husband and wife in marriage. Marriage plays a very important role in the world culture, and different countries have different marriage characteristics. Through the analysis of differences between Chinese and western marriage concept, we can understand the influences of marriage on the social development, as well as Chinese and western communications. 


Keywords: Marriage concepts; Cross-cultural; Sino-US; Differences





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

3. Different purposes in The Two Different Marriage Cultures-2

3.1 Purposes in chinese marriage culture-3

3.2 Purposes in western marriage culture-3

3.3 Reasons of these existing differences-4

4. Different Criteria in Mate Selection-5

4.1 Chinese criteria in mate selection-5

4.2 Western criteria in mate selection-6

4.3 Causes of the differences-6

5. Relationship between Husband and Wife in Marriage-7

5.1 Relationship in chinese marriage culture-7

5.2 Relationship in western marriage culture-8

6. Conclusion-.........10

Works Cited-11

