Virginia Woolf, an English novelist and essayist, is regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century. In the meanwhile, Virginia Woolf is also remembered for her feminist thought, embodied in the work of A Room of One’s Own and other works. As one of Virginia Woolf’s most remarkable novels, Mrs. Dalloway conveys her feminist propositions. The thesis is intended to explore the female consciousness in Mrs. Dalloway from two perspectives: the reflection on the war from female perspective and the heroine Clarissa’s female consciousness about rights and marriage. The analysis of the female consciousness in Mrs. Dalloway will help to bring out the deep meaning of the novel.
Keywords: Virginia Woolf; Mrs. Dalloway; female consciousness; feminist consciousness; rights; marriage
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-1
3. A Brief Introduction of Feminism-2
4. Reflection on the War from Female’s Perspective-4
4.1 Reflection on the war from female’s perspective-4
4.2 Clarissa’s feminist consciousness-5
4.2.1 Clarissa’s self-development-5
4.2.2 Clarissa’s struggle for rights-7
4.2.3 Clarissa’s attitude toward marriage-8
4.3 The lesbian of the characters-9--
5. Conclusion-10
Works Cited-12