To the Lighthouse is one of the representative novels about the traditional realism to modernism fiction transformation. In the novel, the writer Virginia Woolf uses a large number of limited perspective. She narrates from the subjective perspective of characters and shifts the narrative perspective frequently to highlight her literary creation by concept, subjective reality. This topic proposed based on her first novel to the lighthouse narrative perspective of a rich and powerful analysis, pointed out that her novels by using multiple inner angle of narrative, the characters and events in interweave the narrative line of strewn at random; second show these narrative ways mainly using indirect freestyle paraphrased. Finally, through the narrative angle of view, limited angle of view and perspective transformation to make the character more plump, recreates the character's inner truth, implements the Woolf's character state-centric approach, which fully shows that her unique narrative techniques bring to the reader's special reading experience.
Keywords: To the Lighthouse; limited point of view; shifting point of view; narrative perspective; Virginia Woolf
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. Narrative Point of View in To the Lighthouse-3
3.1 Shifting point of view-3
3.2 Multiple viewpoints-5
3.3 Limited point of View-8
4. Conclusion-10
Works Cited-12