Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding writer in American literary history. His masterpiece, Sister Carrie, aims to study Carrie’s characteristics from her pursuit of happiness. The thesis focuses on the analysis of the transformation of Carrie in the pursuit of material, including the change of objective of the struggle and her characteristics and explores the causes of the change of Carrie from the social environment, characteristics, natural appearance and the influence of other characters. The thesis aims to arise people from their dreams and let them know that the material wealth and spiritual fulfillment are equally important to get happiness.
Keywords: Carrie; material possessions; Spiritual fulfillment; change
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. The changes of Carrie-3
3.1 The change of objective of the struggle-3
3.2 The change of Carrie’s characteristics-4
4. The Causes of Changes of Carrie-5
4.1 Social environments arise opportunities-5
4.2 Carrie’s characteristics-6
4.3 Carrie’s natural appearance-6
4.4 Other characters make Carrie vainglorious-7
5. Conclusion-8
Works Cited-9