Abstract:The policy of reform and opening up has brought China more and more close to the outside world. Over three decades of social and economic development has made China more important in the international community. It is universally acknowledged that China has become the focus of attention of the international society. People from every corner of the world want to know about China and China desires to be more integrated in the international community as well, as a result, C-E translation for global communication plays an increasingly essential role in introducing China to the outside world. One of the most important parts of C-E translation for global communication is the translation of government work report. However, the present study of C-E translation for global communication of government work report is not quite satisfactory due to the existing problems. This thesis focuses on the study of translation of government work report. Owing to its specific characteristic, problems of the translation are more evident, such as redundancy, inappropriate collocation, Chinglish etc. In order to address these problems, based on the existing theoretic work of a number of early researchers, in recent years, many domestic scholars take on the study of C-E translation for global communication from the perspective of international communication, including the approaches, strategies, alternatives and effects of publicity translation. Western studies mainly concentrate on communication theory of translation, which analyzing the relationship between translation and communication. This thesis aims to analyze the beauty of some translation version, sum up major problems emerging from C-E translation for global communication, as well as improve some mistranslated sentences, following certain translation principles and strategies.
Keywords: C/E translation for global communication; political documents; government work report; problems; translating principles and strategies
Chapter1 Introduction-1
1.1 Research Background-1
1.2 Research Significance-1
1.3 Research Purpose-1
1.4 Outline of the Thesis-2
Chapter2 Literature review-3
2.1 The Definition of C-E Translation for Global Communication-3
2.2 The Characteristics of C-E Translation for Global Communication-4
2.3 Comparisons between C-E Translation for Global Communicatio and Literary Translation-5
2.4 Previous Studies on C-E Translation for Global Communication Home and Abroad-5
2.4.1 Previous Studies on C-E Translation for Global Communication Abroad-5
2.4.1 Previous Studies on C-E Translation for Global Communication Home-6
Chapter3 Existing problems-9
3.1 Description of GWR(Government Work Report)-9
3.1.1 Contents of GWR-9
3.1.2 Features of GWR-9
3.2 Difficulties in C-E Translation for Global Communication of GWR-9
3.3 Major Problems in Current Translation Practice-10
3.3.1 Inaccuracy-10
3.3.2 Chinglish-11
Chapter4 Adaptation-13
4.1 Translating Principles and Strategies-13
4.1.1 Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation-13
4.1.2 Domestication and Foreignization-13
4.1.3 Relevance Theory-14
4.2 Techniques of C-E Translation for Global Communication-15
4.2.1 Literal Translation + Explanation-15
4.2.2 Omitting-15
4.2.3 Replacing Repeated Phrase-15
4.2.4 Recasting-16
4.3 Adaptation-16
Chapter5 Conclusion-19