Abstract:Color is an objective and special substantial form. Colors are abundant in both Chinese and English such as black, white, red, green,blue, yellow, brown, grey, purple, pink, etc.. People all can react to colors in emotion or vision. The view and cognition of different national people toward colors are much alike; they also have many common associations in colors and color terms. But the associational meaning and pragmatic meaning of color terms to the different nations are different because of their different environment, religious belief, custom, psychology and way of thinking, and all of these show us that the understanding and use of color terms are different in different nations.
Therefore, this paper mainly takes color words “red”, “yellow” and “blue” as the examples. Through the analysis of the different associative meanings between the words “red”, “yellow” and “blue” in Chinese and English, and their cultural and historical roots, we can promote our across-cultural communication.
Key words:red;yellow;associational meaning;contrastive research
因此,本文主要以“红色”,“黄色”和 “蓝色”为例,分析其在英汉中的不同联想意义并探寻其文化历史根源,以便更好地了解中西方民族文化的差异及其对英语学习,对促进中西文化交流和翻译实践有一定的现实指导意义。
关键词:红色; 黄色; 联想意义; 对比研究