Abstract:Recent years, cultural communication between China and the west is increasingly prosperous, especially in the aspect of film and television market. Many English films flood into China market. The title of a film is the most important part of the whole film, because it is like a window of the film through which the audience can understand the content, theme, and cultural value of the film. As the result, the film title translation deserves more attention in the field of translation. There still exists the arbitrary translation and wrong translation, which are unable to achieve film title functions. The essay will discuss features of Chinese and English film titles, and analyze the successful cases of film title translation. Also, the essay will study and summary the translation methods of film titles mainly from dissimilation and domestication in order to find a clear path for film title translation.
Keywords: film titles, translation methods, dissimilation, domestication
摘要:近年来,中西文化交流在影视方面生机勃勃,越来越多的英文电影进入中国市场。电影片名是电影的重要组成部分,是一部电影的窗口, 通过它向观众传递影片内容主题和文化价值。但是片名翻译并没有受到应有的重视,存在误译,乱译的现象,并不能真正起到引导观众,传递影片内容主题和文化价值的作用。本文通过讨论中英电影片名的特点,分析片名翻译成功案例,从异化,归化两个大方向着手研究,为英语电影片名翻译指出一条清晰的道。
关键词:电影片名, 翻译方法, 归化,异化