Abstract:As a variant of English, Black English is used by some people who live in root class of American society. The differences between Black English and Standard English involve some aspects, such as syntax, phonics, and Black English also causes many controversies. This paper aims at researching the main grammatical features of Black English from words, phonics and syntax, and the use of Black English in songs and movies. This paper helps learners study and use English correctly.
Key words: Black English; Features; Use
摘 要:黑人英语作为英语的一种变体,被在生活美国社会底层的人们使用着。黑人英语和标准英语的差异涉及了句法语音等方面。黑人英语同时也引起了很多的争议。本文主要从词语,语音和句法方面描写了黑人英语的语法特征以及解析黑人英语在歌曲和电影中的使用。本文旨在以分析黑人英语的特征从而帮助英语学习者学习英语和正确使用英语。