Abstract:In recent years, the study of discourse markers has become a heated issue in conversational analysis and pragmatics. Causal discourse markers, as one category of discourse markers, are employed to express the cause-effect relationship, which is especially important to the argumentative writings.
The thesis, with the help of wordsmith 5.0 and Microsoft Excel, collected 92 pieces of argumentative writings by the junior students of English major in Xuzhou Institute of Technology to investigate the use of casual discourse markers from high-frequency, low-frequency and other improper uses. Throughout the study, some conclusions are drawn as follows:
1. Generally speaking, with the improvement of the English proficiency level, the causal discourse markers in the argumentative writings by our college English majors are used more and more widely.
2. English majors depended a lot on the use of causal discourse markers to express the causal relations in argumentative writings. So the density of the causal discourse markers is higher while the diversity is rather lower.
3. There are some high-frequency and low-frequency causal discourse markers in the English majors’ argumentative writings and some of them are improperly used.
In addition, some primary factors that may exert extensive negative impact on the use of causal discourse markers in the argumentative writings have been summarized as follows: mother language influence and teaching influence. At last, some effective implications are suggested to enhance the proper use of causal discourse markers in argumentative writings and to promote the writing abilities of English major in Xuzhou Institute of Technology.
Keywords: Causal discourse markers High-frequency use Low-frequency use Improper Use
本文收集了92篇英语专业大三学生的课堂议论文写作为研究资料,借助wordsmith 5.0和Microsoft Excel进行数据分析,从高频使用、低频使用和不合理使用三方面展开调查,研究徐州工程学院英语专业学生议论文写作中因果类话语标记语的使用情况。通过研究,得出以下结论: