ABSTRACT:Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte is a distinctive work in English literary world. It successfully created a very glorious character. This paper analyzes the personality of Jane Eyre from the following aspects: she dared to rebel against common customs; she was a self-respect, self-esteem and kind-hearted woman; she sought sincere love. In the 19th century, the society was dominated by men and women did not have any rights. But Jane Eyre did her best to obtain independence in economy. With the presupposition of economy independence, Jane Eyre never gives up human dignity. In Thornfield, she steadfastly pursued her ideal of equality and freedom and finally got a happy marriage. This shows Jane Eyre is one of the pioneers of women liberation. We can know better the British society and culture from the paper.
Key words: rebel;self-respect;self-esteem;economic independence;human dignity
摘 要:《简爱》是文学史上一部非常富有特色的作品。它成功地塑造了简爱这个非常光辉的女性形象。这篇文章主要从以下几个方面分析了简爱的性格特征:她敢于与世俗抗争,自尊自重又善良和她追求真爱。在19世纪,社会完全被男人所掌控,妇女没有任何的权利。但是简爱竭尽所能地去赢得经济上的独立。她一方面追求预想中的经济独立,另一方面绝不放弃人格尊严。在桑菲尔德,她坚定地追求自由和平等,最终她获得了幸福美满的婚姻,这表明了简爱是妇女解放的先驱。通过这篇文章我们也可以更好地了解英国的社会文化。