Abstract: The development and research in translation of English film titles is necessary because English film has been an important communication means between China and English countries. This paper deals with the principles and the methods in the translation of English film titles. The translation must be faithful to the original title. It should have the commercial value and must have aesthetic value. The article represents three methods of translation. They are literal translation, transliteration and free translation.
Key words: film titles; translation principles; translation methods
Movie is a popular form of art, and it is also a cultural exchange form. In the process of the translation, the translator should fully understand the connotation and the original film title. The translators should have a full understanding of the target language and the audience's requirements, and choose appropriate translation method.
English movie titles translation is a complex work. The only way to have a good title is not having solid language skills. The rich cultural background knowledge and long-term translation practice is not enough. The translators must make efforts to find regular things from numerous foreign film titles translation practice. And appling to new English movie title translation, thus making the translation of film titles even more outstanding.