此办公自动化管理系统采用现在网站采用的 B/S 结构,应用ASP.NET 平台开发工具和SQL Server 2005 数据库系统实现企业办公管理的设计,由前台(普通员工)和后台(系统管理员)两大部分组成。能够满足企业内部办公所需的大部分功能,在开发企业内部办公系统时,使用了三层设计模式,系统主要由七大模块组成,以便系统更好地运行和维护。
关键词:ASP.NET,SQL Server,办公自动化,办公管理
With the rapid development of information technology and increasingly fierce competition in the business, companies are no longer satisfied with the independent and scattered office automation applications, companies need to work together, comprehensive, integrated solution. The network is the physical distance caused by poor information exchange, negotiate the best way of communication inconvenient office bottlenecks.Enterprise online office automation through the closed-loop integration of elements of various office automation, workflow, information flow, knowledge flow and office automation systems integration management, providing a scientific, open, advanced information technology office platform, office automation,and remote office or home office.Enterprise online office automation people liberated from the cumbersome, disorder, and low-order, low-end work in core business, improve overall unit efficiency and controllability of information, reduce office costs, and improve the implementation, management trends on improving.
Office Automation Management System Powered by B / S mode, the application of the ASP.NET platform development tools and SQL Server 2005 database system to achieve the design of the enterprise office management, by the front desk (employees) and background (system administrator), the two parts. Able to meet most of the functionality of the internal office required in the development of internal office systems, using a three-tier design patterns, The system consists of seven modules in order to better system operation and maintenance.
Key words: ASP.NET, SQL Server, Office automation, Office Management