摘 要:随着社会经济的高速增长,在城市人口高速增长的同时,城市居民出行量迅速提高,造成交通拥挤。而城市公共交通系统的顺畅与否直接影响着城市经济运行的效率和市民生活的品质。因此,各国政府纷纷增加城市公共交通的投入,但是,巨额财政投入并不是一般大中城市都能获得的。在我国现行城市公共交通车辆调度方法普遍落后,造成了有限的资源大量浪费的前提下,探索城市公共交通车辆优化调度管理方法,从“软件”入手提高现有城市公共交通的效率具有重要的现实意义。
关键字:遗传算法 数学建模 最佳分配
Abstract:With the rapid growth of socio-economic, rapid growth in the urban population, urban trips rapid increase, resulting in traffic congestion. While the smooth urban public transport system or a direct impact the urban economic operation efficiency and the quality of life of the people. Therefore, governments have increased investment in urban public transport, however, the huge financial investment is not large and medium-sized cities can be obtained. Under the premise of China's current urban public transport vehicle scheduling method generally lag behind, causing a lot of waste of limited resources, to explore the city's public transport optimizing scheduling management approach, from the start of the software to improve the efficiency of the existing urban public transport has an important practical significance.
Genetic algorithm as the height of a draw on natural selection and natural genetic mechanism parallel, self-organizing, adaptive search algorithm, due to its implicit parallelism and convergence of global two notable features, making it ideal for processing traditional search method is difficult to solve complex problems. The simulated annealing algorithm is simulated heating the molten metal in the annealing process, one of the initial temperature, accompanied by declining temperature parameters, the sudden jump characteristics of the combination of the probability of randomly in the solution space to find the target function global optimal solution. The probabilistic escape local optimal solution and eventually tends to the global optimum.
The best allocation of public transport vehicles is the core content of the bus business operations, related to the economic and social benefits of public transport enterprises. In this paper, taking into account the interests of the passengers and the bus company, ambiguity function for each of the customer and the company defines its satisfaction, qualitative satisfaction with the quantitative expression, the mathematical model is built on this basis, and for given data and conditions, by genetic algorithm to solve it.
Keywords: genetic algorithms mathematical modeling optimal allocation