摘 要:视频侦察机器人是指在危险环境中能代替人从事视频侦察活动的机器人。无论在战场、在发生核生化污染事故现场、地震或其他自然灾害现场,视频侦察尤为重要。积极有效地开展危险环境侦察机器人的研究对于保障人民的财产安全、保障大型国内或者国际性的活动的安全具有重要的意义,对于应对和处理突发事件、加快事故处理速度、降低事故造成的财产损失和缩小事故影响具有重要作用。近年来,随着科学技术日新月异的进步,机器人被应用于各个领域,甚至变为家居使用。那么怎样才能开发出一个能够适应各种环境,拥有视频侦察感知系统,操作灵活,能够顺利达到人物现场而又物美价廉的家居使用的软硬件完美结合可编程机器人,成为一个亟待解决的主要内容。
本小型视频侦察机器人利用Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2010平台,结合Arduino集成环境与Arduino语言,Arduino Mega(ATmega1280)单片机进行的代码编写与应用。
ABSTRACT:Video reconnaissance robots is to point to in dangerous environment can instead of people engaged in video surveillance active of the robot. No matter in the battlefield, it happen in biological or nuclear pollution accident site, earthquake or other nature disaster site, video surveillance is particularly important. To effectively carry out dangerous environment reconnaissance robots research, to ensure the people's property security, security large domestic or international activities security has an important meaning, to deal with and handle emergencies, speed up the processing speed and reduce accident accidents property damage and narrowing the accident influence has an important effect. In recent years, with the progress of science and technology are developing rapidly, a robot is used in every field, even into household use. So how to develop a can adapt to the environment, with video reconnaissance perceptual system, flexible operation, it can successfully to the characters and cheap and fine household use the software and hardware of the perfect combination programmable robots, become an urgent main content.
Video depending on the reconnaissance robot design and development full consideration of the need to research and application, mechanical designers, developers from two aspects provided relatively perfect the function of human interaction. Man-machine interactive way, and the division of work and robots work coordination and so on the content of the robot system of throughout the entire process. Combination of steering gear control principle and single-chip microcomputer control principle, Wireless communications technology, serial interface communication technology, infrared detection technology, design hardware control module and program control system of two big modules, and realize a video of the function, process control and voice control combination of small programmable control robot.
Keywords: Robot; Video surveillance; Single-chip microcomputer control; Arduino programming