关键词: 语音录放系统; 单片机AT89S52; ISD1760
Abstract: In this paper, The MCU AT89S52 and the voice chip ISD1760 composed of voice recording system. The voice chip ISD1760 includes AGC, microphone pre-amplifier and speaker driver circuit, oscillator and memory circuits unit. The chip control mode flexibility, and through the independent key mode or SPI model respectively controlling, realize voice recorder, erase operations. System hardware circuit is simple, easy adjustment, cost-effective and practical.
Key words: Voice recording system; MCU AT89S52; ISD1760
目前基于单片微机的语音系统的应用越来越广泛,如电脑语音钟、语音型数字万用表、手机话费查询系统、排队机、监控系统语音报警以及公共汽车报站器等等。本文采用单片机AT89S52和录放时间达60S的语音芯片 ISD1760 设计了一套简单的语音录放系统,实现了语音的录取和回放,通过软件的修改还可以实现整段录取,循环播放,而且不必使用专门的 ISD 语音开发设备。