关键词:CGI; Linux;远程管理;B/S结构;安全访问;Apache
Abstract:The main purpose of the topic based on the Linux operating system is to enable remote management of the system administrator more convenient, simple and friendly. The main functions achieved are file operations, command operations, system operations, process operations and network operations, that are basically covers the management of the system in all its aspects. In design terms, it uses the B / S structure, which makes it easy and convenient for users upgrading and visiting from a variety of platforms; it uses the Safe Access technology, which make management and visiting more secure; it uses a simple and beautiful interface display technology that enables the user to browse it fast and comfortable.
The system developed in the topic need be installed on the Linux operating system. System administrators can use the remote browser for landing, after validating successfully, then can facilitate the operation of examining the system state, manage the system, configure network, analysis data. It should be noted that the landing on the system must use the root password of a remote server, and to ensure the safety of the system to prevent accidents, administrators can only operate a specific tasks. The main significance of the topic lies in the using CGI to manage system, and that development of the system will enable the system administrator to facilitate the management of remote system.
Key words: CGI; Linux;Remote Management; B/S structure; Safe Access ; Apache