摘要:随着科学技术的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,酒店设计对有关供配电、照明、消防、防雷接地、通信等系统的要求越来越高,使得酒店开始走向高品质、多功能领域,并进一步向多功能的纵深方向和综合应用方向发展。 酒店电气设计是在认真执行国家技术经济政策和有关国家标准和规范的前提下,通过不断创新和发展来满足保障人身、设备及建筑物安全、供电可靠、电能节约、技术先进和经济合理的要求。本毕业设计是通过对原始资料的分析、供配电总体方案的确定、照度计算、负荷计算、防雷保护的设计,来进一步掌握建筑电气、 照明部分设计和防雷保护设计的基本方法,从而培养自己运用所学知识去分析和解决与本专业相关的实际问题的能力。
Abstract:With the development of science technology and the improvement of people's increasing living standard, hotel design have to meet more strict demands for the system of power distribution, lighting, fire control, lightning protection and grounding, communication and so on, it makes hotels began to move the field of high-quality and multifunction, and further developed to the direction of the multifunctional depth and integrate application. On the condition that people faithfully implement national technical and economic policy and about national standard and regulation, innovates unceasingly and develops, the hotel electrical design are meeting the requirements of personal, equipment and buildings security, reliable power supply, electrical energy saving, advanced technology and reasonable economic by the constantly innovation and development. According to analyze the original data, make sure the overall program of power distribution, illumination and load calculation, lighting protection design, the author hopes the paper design can guide students to master the basic methods of building electricity theoretical knowledge, the part of lighting and lighting protection design, thereby develop the students' ability to analyze and solve the practical problems related to this major.
Key word: hotel electrical design; hotel supply and distribution; electrical lighting technology; hotel lightning