关键词: 电气设计;电气安全;供电负荷;防雷接地
Abstract:The design content is the school library (area: 4704 square meters, set their working time is 8:00-22:00), The design include: changing distribution design, lighting, lightning protection。According to the use of the library, in accordance with established national norms and their needs to achieve a rational distribution of scientific design.
Include: low-voltage distribution system, lighting system and lightning protection grounding system design, including load calculation, illumination calculation. .
In this design, I finished the library basic load analysis and calculation, the choice of transformer, transformer protection measures, high and low voltage power distribution system, UPS system supply and library lightningproof grounding protection.
Key words: Electrical planning;Electrical safety;Power load;Lightning proof grounding
图书馆是学校文献信息中心,是精神文明建设的重要场所,是学校教学科研的重要基础设施 ,因此:
1.新馆大楼整体设计理念是:开放式、多功能、人文化。 要突出文化品位,注重智能设计,节约资源,健康环保,将这一新校区标志性建筑建设成既富有文化底蕴,又富有现代文化气息,既有适应时代发展的各种使用功能,又有艺术欣赏价值,既符合图书馆建筑规范,又能满足现代化图书馆管理要求,造型美观,匠心独具 ,与整个校园风格相协调一致的图书馆 ;
3.具备外向型高等学府学术殿堂的品位,以适应对外交流和国际合作的需求 。