本设计即木枫假日酒店供配电系统设计,酒店总用地面积1500 m2,总建筑面积2300 m2,建筑层数为十一层,框架结构,二类高层建筑,它是集住宿、餐饮、娱乐为一体的大型建筑物。设计任务是通过照度需求及酒店设计标准来设计一套安全、可靠经济、的配电系统。本次设计内容包括整个酒店负荷分级、计算,短路计算,接线方案的确定,变压器、断路器、导线等选型;低压配电线路图,简单的防雷选择。本设计分六章进行。
Abstract:The hotel is pooled from all corners of the country passenger friend place, more people entertainment, business place, in such a dense population and complex site, a safe and effective distribution system is more important.
The design of the Mu Feng Holiday Inn for distribution system design, Hotel with a total land area of 1500 m2, a total construction area of 2300 m2, Construction layer is eleven, frame structure, two types of high-rise building, It is the set accommodation, catering, entertainment, as one of the large buildings. Design task is through the illumination demand and hotel design standard to design a safe, reliable, economy of distribution system. This design includes the entire hotel load classification, calculation, calculation of a short circuit, the wiring scheme, transformers, circuit breakers, wires type selection; Simple lightning protection selection.This design is divided into six chapters.
Key words: Load calculation;Short circuit calculation;Power distribution plan; Wiring;Selection