第三章是本设计的主体部分。根据社会实践调查确定合理可行的设计要求参数,根据设计参数要求对每一个模块进行详细的设计。包括PLC自动控制系统设计,弹簧的设计,原动机的选择设计、联轴器的设计、轴的设计 、凸轮机构的选型与计算。
ABSTRACT:According to investigation, with the advances in science and technology, social development, the improvement in the level of office automation, office equipment requirements getting higher and higher, however, a large number of sealed documents allow people a headache, liberated from the tedious work of labor, the application machines to replace human labor to become an effective method. Automatic seal machine has a very important role and status of some documents issued sectors, such as administrative organs, enterprises, factories, universities, etc. are often required to complete a large number of documents and information sealed. And currently are manually stamped, not only the operating intensity and low efficiency. Domestic market to cover automatic stamp machine, but many times we do not need to stamp, but inks chapter, the foreign similar equipment, but there is still insufficient, such as: You can only cope with small quantities of documents, or equipment is too big too expensive, some business units feel that cost is not worth to give up in favor of artificial seal, so that waste a lot of time and effort. In response to these circumstances, intended to design a mechanical and electrical integration, automatic seal machines, automatic seal, which the operating frequency and stroke adjustable, accurate positioning, automatic counting, automatic ink pad. With intelligent, automated, clear prints. Uniform, stable and reliable, easy disassembly and maintenance features, and greatly increased the level of office automation, has a very important application and promotion of value. The first chapter introduces the purpose and significance of the topics in this design, described the development of the automatic seal machine. Process and then hand-stamped, practical works, and frame structure designed according to the related works. The second chapter is the main part of the design. Social practice survey to determine the reasonable and feasible design requirements parameters, according to the design parameters of the detailed design of each module. Including automatic seal machine system module decomposition, the choice of prime mover design, coupling, shaft design, selection and calculation of the cam mechanism, the final rack design and the overall assembly, and the precise design of some parts and calculations.Summary of Chapter III of this design, a brief description of the design strengths and weaknesses, and proposed the idea of further study.
Keywords: Automatic seal machine; System design; Automation; Work efficiency