ABSTRACT:Intelligence has become particularly important in technical high speed development today, it’s the trend in future development. It can work in some specific environment ,Dispensing with behavior adjustment, but it can achieve the expected. The design mainly reflected a smart-car model: Tracking, obstacle avoidance, handling cargo, velocity, and display time and speed.
The car takes STC89C52RC MCU as control center, It based infrared detection of black lines and the road obstacles, use a manipulator and a STC89C52RC MCU control cars to carry things,In which, the car is drived by the L298N circuit, Through control of the steering gear to control the manipulator,its speed and the steering gear is controlled by the output PWM signal from the STC89C52RC,Hall element output square wave by the number of cars speed calculated, LCD12864 display speed and clock.
Using methods of contrast selection, module independence, integrated treatment; I choose the best module according to the functions and features of various parts of the Intelligent Handing Car, The system is composed of STC89C52RC MCU control module, tracing sensor module, Obstacle avoidance sensor module, drive motor module, manipulator control module, tachometer module, clock module,LCD12864 display module, and so on. Firstly, I step-by-step to complete the function of each module, And then, combining program,combining every module efficiently to make it work.
Key word: Smart carrying Car;STC89C52RC MCU;L298N;manipulator;PWM signal