摘要:本设计是基于STC89C52单片机的智能浇花系统,智能浇花是实现每天在湿度变化大的情况下自动打开抽水泵浇花,用一个按钮来设置浇花时间的长短,即抽水泵打开的时间,其余时间抽水泵闭合,水流不经过。其原理是根据湿度控制浇花,具体的设计是用一个温湿度传感器检测温湿度,并且将采集到的温湿度数据显示在1602液晶上,当检测的湿度低于设定的湿度时,蜂鸣器开始报警,同时抽水泵就开始浇花,到了设定的湿度就停止浇花。通过实验,已经实现了自动浇花。水量通过软件测试,抽水泵需要工作20S。论文重点阐述了单片机控制系统和相关控制的模块化设计与制作;软件同样采用模块化的设计,包括温湿度检测模块、控制模块,系统调整模块设计,并采用keil 3仿真软件进行编程。本设计实现了单片机控制抽水泵智能浇花和报警的功能,并给出了具体的硬件电路和相应的程序。
关键词:STC89C52 ;蜂鸣器;温湿度检测;智能浇水;1602液晶
ABSTRACT:The automatic watering system is designed based on the STC89C52 microcontroller. The system can achieve automatically watering the flowers at the time of the humidity changes, and be quantitative. Depending on the flowers of water required, a button is set to control the time of watering. Just need to open the watering pump when we need to watering the flower, otherwise close the pump. Depending on the humidity to control watering the flowers, there need a temperature and humidity sensor to detect the humidity and display the temperature and humidity data collected in the 1602 LCD. When the humility drops below the set humidity, the buzzer alarm and then the pumps began to water the flowers until reached the set humidity. The automatic watering system now can water the flowers automatically through experiments. The quantitative of water is tested by the software, and the water pump needs to work for 20 seconds. Firstly, the paper focuses on a single chip control system and the controlling of modular design and production. Secondly, the software also uses the modular design methods, including temperature and humidity detection module, controlling module, system turning module design, and programming by the keil 3 emulation software. The design implements a system by using the single chip microcontroller (SCM) to control smart watering and alarm functions. Specific hardware circuit and the corresponding procedures are designed.
Keywords: STC89C52; The Buzzer; Temperature and humidity testing; Smart Watering; 1602 Liquid crystal