摘要:防火墙系统被用来保护计算机网络免受未授权人员的骚扰与黑客的入侵.它就像一道城墙一样隔在被保护的网络与不安全的非信任网络之间。防火墙是位于两个信任程度不同的网络之间(如企业内部网络和Internet 之间) 的软件或硬件设备的组合,它对两个网络之间的通信进行控制,通过强制实施统一的安全策略,防止对重要信息资源的非法存取和访问以达到保护系统安全的目的。防火墙通常是运行在一台单独计算机之上的一个特别的服务软件,用来保护由许多台计算机组成的内部网络。
关键字:防火墙 网络 安全策略
Abstract:The firewall system is used to protect computer networks from unauthorized personnel harassment and hackers. It is like a city wall, like every other in the protected network and unsafe un trusted network. The firewall is located between the two different level of trust network (such as between the internal network and the Internet), software or a combination of hardware, it is the communication between two network control, by enforcing a unified security policy, prevent unauthorized access and access to important information resources in order to achieve the purpose of protecting the system security. The firewall is usually a special service running on top of a single computer software used to protect the internal network from many computers.
Keywords: firewall network protecting the system security