关键词:空油装置 液压传动 PLC控制
Abstract:With the development of China's economy, people demand a lot of traffic tools, air-hydraulic converter as the core of the braking system of locomotive, the demand is very big. Empty oil device most of the domestic production of the press mounting assembly structure, in order to realize the automation of mass production, the design of a pressing machine to meet production needs and requirements of its convenient control of high precision, good stability, has become a hot issue of current research.
This paper firstly introduces the current development of air hydraulic loading and use, in order to meet the requirements of the order of action, was finally identified as hydraulic transmission to drive pressing machinery selection. In order to realize the sequence and the requirements of automatic control, the hydraulic system diagram, the diagram of hydraulic system control flow chart, using PLC software, realizes the automatic pressure control system.
Keywords: Empty oil device; Hydraulic transmission; PLC control
交通运输是人们出行和物质运转的重要组成部分, 城市发展与城市交通运输具有相辅相成、相互制约的密切关系。近年来,随着改革开放的贯彻执行我国国民经济得到了蓬勃发展,经济的发展促进了城市化的进程,城市人口数量急剧增多使得城市流动人口大为增加,人们出行更为频繁,且物质的周转量的增加使得交通运输相当紧缺,还有就是城市基础设施建设比较滞后,导致公共交通成为一大难以解决的难题,成为阻止经济建设前进的步伐绊脚石。同时,随着工业化进程和经济建设步伐的加快,人们的工作频率不断加快,时间观不断地加强,普通的交通运输工具早已经不能满足人们的需要。随着人们对保护环境的意识不断增强轻轨以其载客量大、快捷、准时、清洁环保等优点受到人们的高度评价和认可。于是大量的轻轨被投入使用中,空油变换器作为其制动系统的核心,机车对其的需求量非常大。国内生产的空油装置大都采取压装装配结构,于是我们设计一个压装机械在满足生产需要的同时要求其控制方便精度高,稳定性好。为了满足以上要求,我们对压装机械的传动方式的选择非常重要。目前传动方式主要有机械传动、电气传动、气压传动、液压传动四大类。传动装置的选择正确与否,直接决定着压装机械的好坏。