摘要:随着现代文明社会的发展,叉车的使用越来越普遍。叉车主要用途是进行装卸,堆垛和拆垛以及短途的搬动工作。由于叉车具有良好的机动性,又有较强的适用性。适用于货物多,货量大且必须迅速集散和周转的部门使用,因此叉车港口码头,铁路车站,仓库货场几乎不可缺少的机种 。
关键词:叉车 液压元件 集成块
Abstract:Along with the development of modern civilized society, the use of forklift truck is more and more common. The purpose of forklift truck loading and unloading, storage and open and the short form the move work. Because have good mobility, forklift truck and a strong applicability. Apply to more than goods, the volume and must be quickly distribution and the department, so use turnover forklift ports, railway station, warehouse almost indispensable freight model.
This paper mainly introduces the design of the hydraulic system of forklift truck. The parameter design and calculation of forklift truck, a reasonable scheme is determined, draw the hydraulic principle diagram of hydraulic components, select the desired. This paper emphasis on designing hydraulic circuit: by open oil tank oil, gear pump as a power component, the cylinder as the actuator, hydraulic control valve as a control element. And the hydraulic part of the design to make the integrated block and a hydraulic cylinder. Based on the circuit layout of forklift hydraulic system.
Keywords: forklift hydraulic integrated block