关键词:单片机; 传感器; GSM模块
Abstract:With the increased pace of urbanization in our country ,residential land has increased the density of population.At the same time,it also have brought a lot of potential safety hazard .
This system can send SMS when it detects someone who breaks into the house.This paper provides the block diagram of the system and the detailed process of hardware design and software design.
This design uses the AT89S52 as the control core and implements the basic control function of the security .When we design the system,we use the modular system design .The hardware part of the system can be divided into SCM control module, data acquisition module, GSM module and sound and light alarm module.SCM control part is the control module of the circuit of SCM.Data collection part mainly uses the pyroelectric infrared sensor.Sound and light alarm module consists of buzzer and the red and green LED lights.LM7805 is the circuit of core design of system power in order to provide the system normal working voltage.Software part applies C programming language and realies all the control functions of the design.
Through the debug of the system,the design can realize system function very well finally.
Keywords SCM sensor GSM module