关键词 GSM;单片机;DS18B20; 液晶显示
Abstract:As China's development of agriculture from traditional to modern changes, greenhouse also will be rapid development of greenhouse temperature monitoring requirements are also increasing, traditional wired monitoring methods have been unable to adapt to the development requirements of modern greenhouses. Therefore, in order to achieve better temperature control. Proposed GSM-based greenhouse remote temperature monitoring system. The system uses DSl8B20 temperature sensor chip to capture real-time temperature, LCD1602 to display real-time greenhouse temperature, while the temperature through the GSM network in the form of text sent to the administrator to enable managers to keep abreast of the temperature inside the greenhouse, to facilitate the timely greenhouse for ventilation, allow crops to obtain the most suitable environment for the growth, when the room temperature exceeds the minimum alarm temperature, the microcontroller can automatically control the fan turn work to ensure the temperature inside the greenhouse plants suitable for growing in the range, you can vegetable shortening the growth cycle, thereby enhancing economic efficiency.
Keywords GSM ;SCM;DS18B20; LCD