本设计中,是对某个大型金融机构灾备机房的规划以及实施,防止发生突发事件导致金融机构数据的丢失。使用OSPF EIGRP等路由协议,以及VLAN MSTP HSRP AAA安全等主流的技术来实现灾备机房的运转。主要包括对金融机构数据的备份,当发生像比较严重的灾害(如地震 火灾)可以确保客户的资料不丢失,以及当工作的设备出现故障的时候,灾备的设备能及时的切换过去,使系统尽快的恢复工作。这样对于金融机构来说会将损失降到最低。
关键词 网络;稳定;OSPF;VLAN;AAA
Abstract:Along with the network popularization, the network is playing an important role in our daily life. It is obvious that the network not only has brought us a lot of convenience. As for the financial industry, we can realize remote access whenever and wherever with the Internet, which made our life become more convenient, but also greatly reduces the probability of loss in our property . In other words, the network plays a very important role in each industry. For a country's economic development, it plays an indelible role. Of course, the network is also a double-edged sword, so we should make a reasonable plan, build a stable, convenient, safe network environment.
As for this design, it is a large financial institutions in disaster recovery room planning and implementation, to prevent the occurrence of unexpected events result in the loss of financial data. The use of OSPF EIGRP routing protocol, to realize the disaster recovery room and VLAN MSTP HSRP AAA security mainstream technology. Including the financial institutions data backup, when like a serious disaster (such as earthquake fire) can ensure that you do not lose customer data, as well as equipment when the work breakdown, disaster recovery device can timely switch to it, make the system as soon as possible to return to work. So for financial institutions will minimize the loss.
Keywords Network Stable OSPF VLAN AAA
随着当今社会,人民生活水平的提高以及目前严峻的国际金融安全形势,受严重的自然灾害的影响,例如地震,海啸等,鉴于汶川地震的严重的教训(中银国际分析师袁琳在最新的一份评估报告中指出:受汶川地震影响,整个银行业净损失约在50亿~130亿人民币,银行业净利润将下滑0.7%~1.8%,而在近200亿的损失中,估计不良贷款损失约在 80亿~140亿人民币)经某大型商业银行总行研究决定,为进一步增强分行业务连续性能力,计划组织实施一级分行中心机房灾备项目,本项目将通过建设一级分行同城灾备机房,延伸和完善我行信息系统灾备体系,提升该行灾难恢复能力和市场竞争力。