关键词: 无线传感器网络;LEACH算法;贪婪算法;最小支配集;OMNET++平台
Abstract:Recent advances in wireless communications, computing technology, and micro-electro-mechanical systems technology have enabled the development of multifunctional sensor nodes which consist of sensing, data processing, and communicating components. Sensor nodes leverage the idea of wireless sensor networks based on collaborative effort of a large number of nodes. Wireless sensor networks, which are an important creative project in computer networks area, are much attractive in military applications, environmental applications, health applications, and other commercial applications.
In wireless sensor networks, routing protocol is responsible for the source node and destination nodes transmit data, wireless sensor networks is an important part. The wireless sensor networks have different characteristics with the traditional network, which many traditional network routing algorithm can not be effectively used in wireless sensor networks.
Routing algorithm in wireless sensor networks is a hot research field, researchers are working hard for the correlation algorithm for wireless sensor networks. In the current wireless sensor network routing algorithm based on the systematic study and summary, the paper routing algorithm for wireless sensor network research carried out, proposed LEACH routing algorithm , Greedy routing algorithm and . the minimum connected dominating set construction. The part of algorithms were implemented on OMNET + + platform.
Keywords: Wireless sensor networks; LEACH algorithm; Greedy algorithm; Minimum Dominating Set; OMNET ++ Platform
第一章 概述。概述了无线传感器网络的简介、主要特点、主要应用。并介绍了本文的主要内容以及全文结构。
第二章 无线传感器网络的路由协议。简述了无线传感器网络的路由协议及其设计标准;LEACH算法和贪婪路由算法。
第三章 最小支配集构造路由协议。该章节提出图的符号和术语,最小连通支配集(K连通与K支配),最小连通支配集的路由算法。
第四章 基于OMNET++的仿真实验。OMNET++的简介及其仿真建模和仿真实验界面。
第五章 结束语。对本文的工作进行了全面总结,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望。