关键词 国家电网;地调接入网;三层网络;可靠安全;实时
Abstract:The enterprise network construction is the urgent demand, promoting economic development and at the same time, the level of information has become a symbol of the world measure of a country's comprehensive national strength; and the national grid as a key state enterprises, the good network environment is essential; as the business continues to increase, increasing demand, it is very important to the network structure and network equipment renewal; network transformation grid not only increase in business, demand, at the same time to improve the safety of power grid production, information security is also very important.
The design of the dispatching data network as scheduling core business data communication platform, mainly through the reliability and real-time scheduling service realization of three layer network model, while the main protocol used with OSPF, BGP, VPN, MPLS and so on, to realize communication and data grid intranet data security. This design mainly adopts three layer network model for adjustable, county and access site implementation, at the same time, unified transfer to omit detection data will be received, in order to ensure the whole network communication dispatching data network throughout the Kaifeng area. Fully meet the national grid service scheduling of real-time, reliability, security.
Keywords State Grid The Access Network Three layer Network Structure Security Real-time