摘 要:在传统模式下利用人工进行学生宿舍管理,存在着较多的缺点,如:效率底,时间一长将产生大量的文件和数据,更不便于查找,更新,维护等。诸如这些情况,令学校管理者对学生的宿舍管理带来了很大困难,严重影响了管理人员的工作效率。随着计算机科学日渐成熟, 使用日趋成熟的计算机技术来代替传统的人工模式,来实现学生宿舍管理的现代化。作为计算机应用的一部分,使用计算机对学生宿舍进行管理,具有着手工管理所无法比拟的优点.例如:检索迅速、查找方便、易修改、可靠性高、存储量大、数据处理快捷、保密性好、寿命长、成本低、便于打印等。这些优点能够极大地提高对学生宿舍管理的效率,也是学校的科学化、正规化管理的重要条件。现代社会提倡无纸化办公,宿舍管理系统可以降低对纸张的消耗,降低成本。
ABSTRACT:In the traditional mode for the use of artificial dormitory management, there are more disadvantages, such as: efficiency at the end, over time will produce a large number of files and data, but not easy to find, update, and maintenance. Such as these, so that school administrators for student dormitory management has led to great difficulties, a serious impact on the efficiency of the management staff. With the maturing of computer science, the use of increasingly sophisticated computer technology to replace the traditional manual mode, to achieve a modern student dormitory management. As part of computer applications, the use of computers to manage student dormitory, with the incomparable advantage of manual management, such as: quick search, easy to find, easy to modify, high reliability, large memory capacity, fast data processing, security and good , long life, low cost, easy to print. These advantages can greatly improve the efficiency of the management of student dormitories, but also the school's scientific and standardized management of important conditions. Modern society to promote a paperless office, document distribution system can reduce paper consumption and reduce costs.
The system has functions including accommodation information management, press release management, electricity, information management, message boards and other major functional blocks. Is a function of the quarters more complete management system.
The system uses Microsoft's integrated development environment VS2005 for development, using SQL2000 database to store data, and develop models using B / S structure.
Keywords: Hostel management system,ASP.NET, database, VS2005,SQL2000