摘 要:本设计是结合青岛地区的自然条件和建筑物结构的实际情况,对青岛金叶酒店进行就用房空调系统及防排烟系统的设计,其目的是通过这次酒店的空调和防排烟系统设计,来了解空调系统和防排烟系统的设计流程和具体的方法,进而巩固近四年所学习的专业知识。首先,查阅设计地点的地理资料得到相应的气象条件,根据当地的具体条件和维护结构计算夏季整个系统的冷负荷。考虑经济因素,采用风机盘管加新风的空气—水处理系统。确定空调系统形式以后,进行平面布置和水力计算后选择水管和风管。然后进行冷源选择,技术比较后确定所用机组设备方案。然后进行平面布置,选择附属设备,作系统原理图。防排烟系统设计,根据建筑物实际,严格按照防火、防排烟规范,确定防、排烟系统形式,进行平面和系统设计。空调系统设计中还要有保温与防腐设计、隔声与防震设计等。
Abstract:This design combines the natural condition of QING DAO region and the actual situation of the building structures, The content of this design is the air-conditioning, ventilation, smoke control works of the hotel. Its purpose is to pass the hotel air—conditioning and smoke control system design , to understand the air conditioning system and smoke control system design process and specific method,then consolidate nearly four years learning professional knowledge. First of all, refer to the geographical location design information obtained the corresponding weather condition, according to the specific conditions of the local and maintenance of the whole system structure calculation summer cooling load. Consider economic factors, the primary air fan coil air—water treatment system. When we make sure the form of the air conditioning system, we can conduct layout and hydraulic calculation to choose water pipe and duct.
Keywords: Cold hot burden; water power the calculation; defends to line up the smoke