摘要:通过在不同条件下用磁性可分离Fe/OMC复合材料对水中对氯酚的吸附,研究其吸附性能。以酚醛预聚体(PF)为碳源,三嵌段共聚物F127作为模板剂,硝酸铁为铁盐前驱体,采用溶剂挥发诱导自组装法一步合成磁性可分离载铁有序介孔碳材料Fe/OMC。研究了Fe/OMC复合材料用量、温度及pH等因素对吸附的影响。使用X射线衍射,透射电镜和N2吸脱附等手段对Fe/OMC复合材料进行表征。得出吸附4-CP的最佳条件为: 吸附时间2 h, 温度为293K , pH为酸性,在最优吸附条件下, 吸附量达266.mg /g, 对4-CP的去除率超过75%。
Abstract:Under different conditions by using magnetic detachable Fe/OMC composite materials on the adsorption of chlorophenol in water to study the adsorption properties.Phenolic prepolymer (PF) as the carbon source, triblock copolymer F127 as a template agent, ferric iron nitrate precursor, solvent evaporation induced self-assembly step synthesis of magnetic iron contained separable ordered mesoporous carbon materials Fe/OMC. Of the Fe/OMC composite materials consumption, temperature and PH on the adsorption effect. Using X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, N2 adsorption-desorption by means of Fe/OMC composite materials were characterized. Adsorption of 4-CP obtained the best conditions were: adsorption time of 2 h, temperature of 293K, PH is acidic, the optimal adsorption conditions, the adsorption capacity 266.mg/g, the removal of more than 4-CP 75%.
Keywords: 4-CP, Fe / OMC composite materials, adsorption
(2)评价磁性可分离载铁有序介孔碳材料Fe/OMC对对氯酚的吸附性能,利用XRD,,TEM,,N2吸脱附研究方法对磁性可分离载铁有序介孔碳材料Fe/OMC进行表征,研究包括材料投加量、温度等因素对复合材料针对于对氯酚的吸附性能的影响,同时计算相应吸附容量。实验得出吸附4-CP的最佳条件为: 吸附时间2 h, 温度为293K ,PH为酸性,在最优吸附条件下, 吸附量达266.mg /g, 对4-CP的去除率超过75%。