摘 要:随着各大城市的地铁建设与开通,各种各样的自动售票机出现在人们面前,自动售票机的出现改善了为买票而排长队等候人工卖票的不足。实现了高科技化的现代社会要求。市面上现有的自动售票机大多都是运用单片机来完成的,而此次设计则是运用PLC来设计售票系统,运用PLC来完成的售票系统比现市面常用的单片机控制的自动售票机可靠性更高,抗干扰能力更强,安装更简单,维修更方便。
ABSTRACT:With the subway construction and opening of major cities, a variety of ticket vending machines in front of people, an improvement of the ticket vending machine to buy a ticket and waiting in long lines artificial selling tickets insufficient. The requirements of the modern high-tech society. Ticket vending machines available in the market mostly use the microcontroller to complete, while the design is the use of PLC to design the ticketing system, the use of PLC to complete the ticketing system commonly used than the current market SCM reliability of the vending machine higher, stronger anti-interference ability, easier to install, maintenance more convenient.
The design will use Mitsubishi FX2N PLC to achieve votes, fare calculation, give change, ticket subway ticketing system. Further study of the PLC and other functional hardware communication connection. This design has a positive meaning, training theory with practice and practical ability to develop thinking and innovation capacity, and laid a foundation for the future in the field of industrial control.
Keywords: Metro automatic ticketing system; the PLC control