摘 要:现阶段纯电动汽车结构复杂造价昂贵且技术不够成熟,而传统的混合动力系统的汽车由于是轻度混合,对于燃油经济性并没有提高太多。基于上述原因,本设计提出了采用双离合器式混合动力驱动的新型系统方案。该方案利用一个自动控制离合器实现发动机和电机的连接与断开,从而自由切换驱动方式,一个手动离合器实现汽车的平稳换挡,同时,电动机/发电机不仅仅只用于启停或怠速状态下,而且还可以驱动汽车正常行驶,在发动机驱动状态下电动机/发电机可以实现向蓄电池充电功能。由于采用电机与发动机的双向供能,该混合动力系统能够大大降低汽车在运行过程中的能耗,从而降低了汽车燃烧燃油排放有毒气体对大气的污染。现在混合系统应用最多的就是城市公交车,所以本文针对城市公交的载重与车速通过计算选择了适合其工作的发动机、电机、离合器、变速器,设计出了整个汽车的驱动系统。而且,通过校核该方案满足对城市公交的要求。
关键词:双离合器 混合动力 节能减排
ABSTRACT:The present stage structures of pure electric vehicles are complex and expensive, and the technology is not mature enough. Also the traditional hybrid system because it is mild hybrid cars for fuel economy does not improve much. For these two reasons, this paper proposes a novel dual-clutch hybrid drive system solutions. The program uses an automatic clutch to control the engine when to start and stop, and a manual clutch is used to shift gears smoothly. While the motor/generator not just for start-stop or idle state, but also can drive normal driving, driving state of the engine the motor/generator to the battery charging function can be achieved. As a result of a two-way motor and the engine for energy, the hybrid system can greatly reduce vehicle energy consumption during operation, thereby reducing toxic gas emissions from fuel combustion automobile pollution of the atmosphere. Hybrid systems are now the most widely used is the city bus, so this paper by calculating the weight and speed of their work to choose a suitable engine, motor, clutch, transmission, designed the entire car's drive system. Moreover, by checking the program, it meets the requirements for urban public transport.
Key words: dual clutch; hybrid; energy saving