摘 要:传统的带式输送机给汽车、火车、轮船装粮食及其它物料时,皮带机大多不能在原处一次性就装满货物,并且托辊夹角太小使皮带机倾角只能为17度,会给一些高大容器装载带来很多的困难。
关键词: 可伸缩带式给料机; 电动滚筒;液压支柱
ABSTRACT:With the traditional belt feeding engine when for the automobile, the train, the steamboat installs the coal and other materials, the belt fastener cannot in the original position disposable pack the cargo, because the supporting roller included angle slightly enables the belt fastener inclination angle only to be 17 degrees, brings many difficulties for some big vessel loading.
The present paper design content is the expandable belt feeding engine, is transmits the force of traction through between the transmission drum and adhesive tape's friction force, concurrently makes the hauling organization and the load bearing organization one kind by the adhesive tape for the material equipment, expands and contracts the arm rear part establishment to have the expandable hydraulic prop, causes the complete machine length nimble elongation or the reduction, between the supporting roller the included angle increases to causes the belt fastener inclination angle to be possible to amount to 25 degrees, has for estimates in a big way, the transportation is steady, the service is convenient, the area slightly and so on characteristics, brings conveniently to the load, can the widespread application in each kind of bulk collection and distribution center production scene.
This article elaborated the expandable belt feeding engine's overall project design, uses method choice feeding engine reasonable parameter which point by point the computation as well as the power calculation unify, carries on the shaping, the design and the examination to this feeding engine's part, and expanded and contracted the installment to the drive to carry on the more exhaustive design calculation and the examination.
Keywords:Expandable belt feeding engine; Electric roller; Hydraulic syste