摘 要:本课题所改进的玉米脱粒机主要由螺旋滚筒,栅格板,入料口以及传动装置和动力装置组成。电动机带动V带轮进行转动,V带轮通过轴带动滚筒的转动,滚筒上有螺旋的板齿和均布的钉齿,螺旋板齿对玉米有推动作用,钉齿对玉米进行摩擦,挤搓,通过和栅格板以及半圆筒隔板的配合完成对玉米的脱粒,这种结构降低了玉米果穗的破损率,提高了玉米果穗的脱净率。这种挤搓式玉米脱粒机能够使玉米粒快速,完整的脱落,并且操作简便,结构简单,效率高,易于维修,拆装方便,适用于家庭和小型玉米加工企业。
关键词:玉米脱粒机 螺旋 挤搓原理 钉齿 低速滚筒
Abstract:Roller, grid plate, feed inlet and the Gearing and the power make up the subjects that improved corn sheller.Electric motor provide power make V pulley turn,V pulley pass axis make roller turn,roller weld plate of spiral and spike tooth of uniform,plate promote corn advance,spike tooth squeeze corn by act in concert with grid plates.This structure reduce breakage rate of corn ear and improve off the net rate of corn ear.This squeeze rub style corn sheller can make corn quick threshing,and it easy to operate, it's structure simple,it have high efficiency,it easy to maintain,it convenient disassembly,it is used in the family and small-scale factory.
Keywords: corn sheller;spiral;principle rub squeeze;spike tooth;lowroller