摘 要:本文主要目的是对5T固定定柱式提升机的结构进行设计,同时要使其能完成所要求实现的相应功能。首先需了解提升机的工作原理、基本结构和系统组成及功能。及其循环、间歇的周期性工作特点,其次要了解一个工作周期包括起升、变幅、回转、下降四个动作,它们分别是由起升机构、变幅机构、回转机构三部分机构来实现完成的。
关键词:提升机 起升机构 回转机构 变幅机构
Abstract:This paper mainly 5T fixed hoist fixed column design and analysis of the hoist are required to achieve the corresponding function and structure.Learn hoist works, the basic structure and system composition and function .This paper analyzes the research direction is the hoist arm rotating beam design and its functional part of mechanism design and parameter selection .Crane 's work is characterized by cycles , intermittent exercise. Therefore, in the design to include lifting , slewing , luffing , and metal structures.
Which focuses on the rotary mechanism components and their corresponding choice of technical parameters to achieve both good and not interfere with the operation of hoist and with the good .The design includes hoist hoisting mechanism , slewing , luffing mechanism and metal structure choice.In the design, the crane has a whole and the individual components described in detail .
Keywords: Cranes;Hoisting mechanism ;Slewing mechanism ;Luffing mechanism