摘 要:随着时代的进步,科技的发展。人们的生活节奏也加快,生产效率的提高成为时代的迫切要求。随之而来的自动化替代了很多人类体力的劳动,流水线式的生产已基本能实现自动化生产,但在复杂的劳动生产过程中,还是有许多方面无法实现全自动化的替代人工劳动。无法用自动化的生产方式替代,又要降低人类的体力劳动和提高生产效率。这就需要劳动者手中拥有一流的生产工具,以适应时代要求。
关键词:气动工具 ;平衡阀 ;二位三通阀 ;推钉扒抓
ABSTRACT:With the progress of the times, the development of science and technology. The rhythm of people's living is speeding up, the improvement of production efficiency become the urgent requirement of the times. The automation has replaced many human physical labor, assembly line production has been basically can realize automatic production, but in the complex production process, there are still many aspects cannot realize full automation instead of manual labor. Can not be replaced by automation of production, but also reduce the human physical labor and increase production efficiency. This requires the hands of workers have a first-class production tools, to meet the requirements of the times.
The design is a multifunctional nail gun, air pumps provide power work. Grasp the handle to adjust control trigger finger two three-way valve spool, the balancing valve with fast work function, quick release gas, complete the piston return. The nail pushing cylinder push nail grilled catch, the nails into the nail guide tube, in the striker role, complete nail the connecting material from falling into the design of welding wire, stop stop nails with nail nail a piece of grilled catch back.
Keywords: Pneumatic tool ; Balanced valve; Two three-way valve ; The nail Pushing grilled catch