摘 要:本次设计是对EQ3281GT型货车进行改造,使其可以实现货车更加安全的后翻,在改造过程中对液压系统进行了重新设计,对液压缸等进行重新计算。对货车车厢进行重新改造。本文主要分为6章。
ABSTRACT:This design is to transform the EQ3281GT type truck, so that it can realize somersault, in the transformation process of the hydraulic system of the new design, the hydraulic cylinder are calculated from the new. The car from the new transformation. This paper is divided into 6 chapters.
Introduction: on the design background, the side dumper is briefly introduced, and the design of the proposed requirements.
The basic parameters of the truck was determined, the design size of carriage
The truck unloading process is analyzed for different goods, the angle of repose was determined, ultimately determine the carriage tilt angle.
Design of the car frame (institutions are determined, the calculation of mechanism, hydraulic cylinder design) is the main part of the design.
The car is designed to open, open principle was discussed.
The truck lifting hydraulic system was designed including internal and external hydraulic cylinder hydraulic piston diameter, length, oil tank.
Keywords: lateral dump truck; mechanism design; hydraulic system