摘 要:本设计根据相关的理论知识和规范要求,利用Pro/E 相关模块功能,对一些工程图学的设备,如零件、组合体和装配体等进行三维建模、虚拟装配和运动仿真。利用Pro/E强大的模拟和仿真等功能增进对教学的改革,帮助学生更好地理解课程内容,建立具体的感官认识,也就能更快的理解制图课程的规律,并运用好这门工程界的重要语言。特别地,基于Pro/E 三维软件对工程图学教学方法的改革,可以将抽象的二维平面图形转化为直观明了便于理解的三维立体图形,更能强化三维模型和二维工程图之间的相互转化,提高了学生空间想象能力和工程图样的表达能力,达到学生在学习工程图学课程时增强教学效果的目的。
本设计是借助Pro/E强大的功能对圆锥-圆柱齿轮减速器进行动画制作和运动仿真,主要利用Pro/E 软件对减速器进行三维实体造型设计,生成虚拟装配动画和运动仿真动画,使产品构造和功能以动态的方式的形象地表达出来,整个装配过程都一目了然。本设计主要涵盖了对圆锥-圆柱齿轮减速器零件的拆卸和测绘工作,随之对各零部件进行三维建模,然后再进行虚拟装配动画制作、运动仿真动画。这样,虚拟装配动画就清晰的介绍了圆锥-圆柱齿轮减速器的零部件结构和装配过程,而运动仿真动画也清晰的展示了圆锥-圆柱齿轮减速器的具体运动情况,这对于科研教育,提高机械设备生产效率、降低成本有巨大的意义。
ABSTRACT:This design is according to the related theoretical knowledge and standard requirement, using Pro/E related module function to some engineering graphics equipment, such as parts, combination and assembly body of 3D modeling, virtual assembly and movement simulation.Using Pro/E powerful simulation and simulation to promote the reform of teaching, helping students to get a better understanding of the course content, establish specific sensory understanding, it also can faster understand the regular pattern of cartography curriculum, and make a good use about this type of engineering important language. Particularly, Pro/E is based on 3D software engineering graphics teaching method reform, which can bring the abstract of the planar graphics into intuitive and make it easier to understand the 3D graphics, enhancing the mutual transformation between 3D models and 2D drawings, improve the students' space imagination and engineering design ability, reaching the purpose of strengthen the teaching effect about the study of engineering graphics course.
With the help of the powerful Pro/E of cone-cylindrical gear reducer for animation production and movement simulation in this design, Pro/E is mainly using software for 3D entity modeling design to the reducer, animation and virtual assembly generated movement simulation animation, making the product structure and function to the image of the dynamic way to express it, and the whole assembly process is clear. This design mainly covers the cylindrical gear reducer to cone-the removal of parts and surveying and mapping work, 3D modeling the each parts of this design, then the virtual assembly animation production, motion simulation animation. Lastly, virtual assembly animation will introduced the cone-cylindrical gears reduction gear parts structure and assembly process clearly, and the movement simulation animation also show the cone-cylindrical gears reduction gear specific motion clearly, it will improve production efficiency and reduce cost have great significance.
Keywords: Pro/E; Three-dimensional modeling; Virtual assembly; Animation; Motion simulation