摘要:本设计为150吨/小时棒材轧钢冷床设计。棒材规格Φ18mm、Φ20mm 、Φ22mm,在此选择Φ20mm的圆钢作为典型产品进行该冷床的设计。
介绍了150吨/小时的棒材轧钢冷床的工艺尺寸计算和冷却能力的校核。设计只涉及冷床本体部分的设计不包括输出装置 输入装置。本文主要包括冷床动台装置的设计、动齿条支撑梁、静齿条支撑梁以及电机的选择。根据相关公式求出冷床长度和宽度,将所得时间与棒材在冷床上实际通过的时间进行比较,校核了冷床长度。对齿条的齿锯的设计可以算出同时在冷床上的齿条数。求出冷床总体的重量对此进行受力分析,选择合适的电机。然后对轴进行了初选,受力分析和校核。最后阐述了步进式齿条冷床制造安装。
关键词:棒材 冷床 冷床长度 冷却能力
ABSTRACT:The design for the 150 tons / hour bar rolling cooling bed designs. Bar Specifications Φ18mm, Φ20mm, Φ22mm, Φ20mm the bar in this selection as a typical product of the cooling bed design.
About 150 tons / hour the cooling bed bar rolling process sizing and cooling capacity check. Design of the cooling plate body portion involves only the design of the input device does not include an output device. This mobile station apparatus including the design of the cooling bed, moving the rack support beam, the support beam and the stationary rack motor selection. Determined according to the relevant formula cooling bed length and width, the resulting time and the cooling bed bar real time by comparing the cooling bed length check. Saw teeth on the rack design can be calculated simultaneously in a cold bed rack number. Calculate the overall weight of this cooling bed for stress analysis, select the appropriate motor. Then the axis of the primaries, stress analysis and verification. Finally stepping rack cooling bed expounded manufacture and installation.
Keywords: bar;cold bed;cold bed length;cooling capacity