关键词:主轴箱 机械制造 机械加工工艺 夹具设计
ABSTRACT:Machinery manufacturing is the foundation of national industries and pillar industries are largely determines the development of national economy. The machining process and fixture design is the core machinery manufacturing, its importance is evident.Head stock as an important part of the machine, the machine is used to lay out the work spindle and transmission part sand corresponding additional agencies, is part or machine shafts, gears, sets and other related parts are assembled into a whole, the headstock each position within the drive gear and drive shaft, and finally reached the movement spindle, the spindle to obtain the specified speed and direction. Headstock part processing technology directly affect machine performance and life. So study headstock machining process and fixture design in a certain extent, promoted the development of China's machinery manufacturing industry.
Keywords: headstock; mechanical manufacturing; machining process; fixture design