关键词 :氧传质系数,剪切场,自激振荡,充氧性能,脉冲方式
ABSTRACT:Pond aquaculture has a long history in our country, the earliest can be traced back to 3000. But the fishery machinery in the development of our country starts from on century seventy's. The device effectively solves the problem of fishpond oxygen-increasing, improve the yield of fishermen. With the progress of the times, we have more and more feel the progress of fishery machinery
Dissolved oxygen is one of the most basic conditions for fish survival. The available oxygen aerator ponds exist some defects. Oxygen aerator existing speed and low efficiency, and also need to be equipped with some large equipment, more time and labour, consumes a lot of resources
Research topic of this is the design of a self-excited oscillation pulsed jet aerator model, overcome some disadvantages existing aerators, energy saving. The design requirements to determine the self-excited oscillation pulsed condition, and the establishment of the self-excited oscillation cavity, and on the basis of theoretical analysis, according to some experiment to determine the shape and size of the collision wall self-excited oscillation cavity and the influence of the self-excited oscillation effect, chamber structure size of other parameters, discusses the influence of the structure the size of the self-excited oscillation effect. Based on the design experience of general self-excited oscillation pulsed aerator on the other part, the structure parameters of the aerator. This design is the key of mixing tube using self-excited oscillation cavity model instead of the traditional aeration machine (throat), so that the suction air and oxygen water in the chamber produces self-excited oscillation to stirring, mixing and oxygenation adequately, the oxygen concentration in water up to saturation and then in a pulsed mode through the diffusion tube for release.
Keywords: overall oxygen transfer coefficient, the shear field, self-excited oscillation, oxygenation performance, pulse mode