摘要:作为户型创新的入户花园,并非所有业主都喜欢,在调查中我们发现,当初很多冲着“入户花园”而去的多数住户并没有真正利用到“花园”的功能,而是改变了它的用途,入户花园未被完全认可,业内人士认为,这是因为相当一部分“入户花园”目前还只被当成一个概念。开发商在卖楼时仅仅将“入户花园”作为提升楼盘品质的广告筹码之一,并没有真正将其作为花园来打造,部分“入户花园”在设计上就缺乏实用价值。 本篇论文就是探讨入户花园作为室内空间的延伸设计,通过研究更深化入户花园的使用价值,提升这一概念的实施性,给住户们带来创新户型的新理念,增加人们对入户花园的认识同时,也给以人们一个真正具有价值的入户花园,开创入户花园在室内装饰中不可或缺的历史一页。
Abstract:Not every unit-owner appreciates such an innovation of unit design as indoor garden design. Research has found that, many of those unit-owners who were at the beginning attracted by the name of Indoor Garden, resulted in making little use of indoor gardens themselves by changing their function into something else. According to some industry insiders, the reason why indoor gardens aren't fully approved is that quite a lot among them have been recognised as merely a concept. Most property developers regard indoor gardens as a "tag" in advertisments only to assure potential buyers of the qualities of the estates without truly making indoor gardens live up to their reputation. Some indoor gardens wasn't even practically designed. This essay is to explore the concept of such an extension of indoor space as an indoor garden, to increase the practicability of the design itself, to bring such an innovation of unit design to general unit-owners and to deepen the recognition of indoor gardens among publics. Meanwhile, it provides people with a specific design of indoor gardens that is of practical value, so as to help indoor garden write a remarkable brand-new page in the annals of the history of indoor decoration.keywords: indoor garden, garden landscape, unit innovation
Key Words:indoor garden, garden landscape, unit innovation