摘要:橱窗在销售中是最常见的内容,它是顾客沟通的桥梁,是一个固定的广告,而且相对其他形式广告费用更低廉,一个成功的橱窗设计能够吸引顾客的眼球并留下深刻的印象。背景、道具和灯光是橱窗设计的三大基本要求,成功的设计离不开这三个基本要素。另外,出彩的设计需要适当的技巧,例如如何展现主打品牌形象、灯光的应用方法和照明强度和更换橱窗陈列服装的时间和频率等等。本文会以LOUIS VUITTON鸵鸟主题橱窗为例,分析该案例的橱窗设计技巧,得出启示,怎样才能使国内橱窗更好的发展。 关键词:橱窗设计,基本要求,技巧
Abstract:It is not uncommon that windows are used popularly in marketing. Windows are fixed advertisements which build bridge between sellers and customers and, windows are far cheaper than the other types of advertisement. A successful design of window holds appeal for customers and leave them deep impression. Successful windows designs involve three fundamental elements----backgrounds, tools and lights. Beside, attractive designs of windows also need proper technique such as the ways that show the main brain image, the application method of lighting, the intensity of illumination and the frequency of changing clothes displayed in windows. In this thesis, I will analysis techniques of windows design through examining the example of window of ostrich theme of LOUIS VUITTON. Meanwhile, I will point out that the shortages of domestic designs of windows and how to develop domestic ones through studying the distinction between our country and foreign.
Key Words:Commercial display, Human design, Application.